Dark Matter Part 2: Slave Keeper This book addresses the true nature of slavery in the Caribbean, including the effective continuation of slavery, in a more extreme form, in the years of so-called ‘apprenticeship’ in the wake of the emancipation in 1834. Another primary focus is the lives of Maroons and resistance to slavery in the Caribbean region.There was an anomaly to the slave codes that were prevalent throughout the Caribbean in Berbice that resulted in the documentation of first-hand testimonies made by slaves. Attestations by other enslaved Africans in the region have also been uncovered, as well as first-hand accounts of people who witnessed the everyday lives of slaves in the Caribbean. Collectively they lend clarity to the brutal, barbaric nature of slavery in the region.Large-scale resistance through revolts and insurrections, ranging from the razing of the ‘big house’ to the Haitian Revolution, are considered both in terms of the events and the impact that they had on the institution of slavery. Details of the history of those who enslaved my ancestors on my father’s side are also included with references to help others who may wish to trace the enslavement of their own ancestors.How, and why, the fallout of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the enslavement of Africans in the Caribbean still impacts on the lives of the descendants of slaves today, as well as Africa and Africans more widely, may become clearer to those with the constitution to assimilate the contents of this book.Crucially, what are lessons to be learnt? How do we implement change for the better?
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